Shahanpan Dega Deva

Shahanpan Dega Deva is Marathi movie released onJanuary 2011. The movie has been produced by Mirah Entertainment Pvt. Ltd and directed by Sudesh Manjrekar. The plot of the movie is a comical ride as the citys safety rests on the shoulders oflunatics from a mental asylum.

One funny incident after the other make them realize that this world isnt too different from the world that they have come from and people here dont behave too differently from their inmates in the asylum. However they dont have too much time on them as a vicious and sinister plan is being hatched to blow up the city. Their escape from the jail and a near fatal attack of their guardian, the kind hearted Dr. Subodh is all a part of this plan. Themen not only have to save Dr. Subodh but the entire city as well.The cast includes Bharat Jadhav, Ankush Choudhary, Siddharth Jadhav, Santosh Juvekar, Vaibhav Mangale, Kranti Redekar, Manava Naik Purva Pawar amp Others. ........

Source: Wikipedia