Sleeping Bride

Sleeping Bride , Garasu no N? , Glass Brain is a Japanese 2000 tragicromance film directed by Hideo Nakata, based on a comic by Osamu Tezuka. It is probably best known to Western audiences for its inclusion in a Tartan Asia Extreme DVD release of the Ring trilogy, which included it as a fourth Nakata feature unrelated to the Ring series. It was released on January 29, 2000.

After Yuichi accidentally kisses a girl at school as part of an elaborate setup on the part of his friends, he rushes to the hospital it would appear he considered it an act of infidelity despite the rain and late hour, and passionately kisses Yumi. He does not use the Wake up, Im the prince line, but instead begs her apparently in his thoughts, stating, Im no prince, Im Yuichi Nasagawa, but please wake up, I want to talk to you. Though it would appear to have no effect at first, as Yuichi is leaving he notices some movement, and then he realises that Yumi has indeed awoken.Promptly, the silent Yumi is besieged by a team of doctors and nurses who start to run series of tests, essentially ignoring and shutting out Yuichi. Yuichi, seeing that Yumi has been revived only to become some sort of human guinea pig, abducts her. Although Yumi has the mentality of a baby even lacking the ability to walk or talk they have a mutually enjoyable time together, until Yumi is reminded of the crashsite in which her mother died, and is returned to the hospital by orderlies. ........

Source: Wikipedia