Smile Orange is a 1976 satirical film set in Jamaica. It follows the daytoday life of Ringo Carl Bradshaw a smoothtalking waiter and conman. The film explores the tourism industry in the Caribbean and seems to suggest there are similarities to slavery in that industry. The film was directed by Trevor D. Rhone, who also wrote the play on which it is based, and was produced by Edward Knight. The movie stars Bradshaw, Glenn Morrison, and Stanley Irons.
Praise for Smile Orange has carried on through the Internet until present day., Inc. the Internet Movie Database calls it a humorous and somewhat acidic view of the tourism business. Ras Zuke, author of Rastaman Vibration has also commented on Smile Orange. He explains that the film allows people to experience the exploited resort culture of Jamaica with a clearer understanding of the relationships between skin color and positions of power, the urban and rural lifestyle conflicts, and the interaction between women and men of Jamaica.citation needed ........
Source: Wikipedia