Snowmen is an independent family film written and directed by Robert Kirbyson and produced by Stephen McEveety. It was released at the Tribeca Film Festival on May 1, 2010.
Billy and his friends decide to try and create the most snowmen built in the world in one day. Their first attempt fails miserably because they dont have enough people. They begin a campaign to get more people to help by hanging out flyers and placing posters up around their school, in which Billy gives a speech in the cafeteria, which brings attention. They eventually appeal to the Mayor too, which brings their Principal on board, and go to the news channel to get it broadcast. Both the Mayor and the new channel agree to meet them on the day on the event.The first part of the day goes well, and they build a lot of snowmen, but they begin to melt by the time the Mayor gets there with the news channel. Billy gets him to agree to delay the final count to give them more time to solve the problem, with Billy giving a small broadcast. But when they get back, their bully Jason Bound had knocked over loads of the snowmen, and corner Billy and his friends. The rest of the school then defends Billy in a snow fight. The day ends when Jason knocks Lucas over and hurts him. Billys father, Reggie Kirkland arrives, having seen Billy on television, and tells the Mayor and everyone Billy is not dying like he thought he was. The event is cancelled, upsetting Billy and his friends. ........
Source: Wikipedia