So This Is Washington

So This Is Washington is a 1943 American film directed by Ray McCarey starring Chester Lauck. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Sound James L. Fields. It is also known as Dollar A Year Man.

Abner decides to build a chemistry lab in his own basement. Soon he develops a new improved formula for manufacturing synthetic rubber. His partner Lum Edwards wants them to go to Washington D.C. To present their work to Marshall.When the two men arrive in Washington, they have a hard time finding housing for their stay. They are offered lodging by an unknown man they meet in a park, but it turns out the room they are given is the bedroom display in a department store window. As they wake up in the morning, they are chased out of the store, but encounter an old friend of theirs who is a newspaper columnist, Robert Blevine. ........

Source: Wikipedia