Song For a Raggy Boy is a 2003 Irish drama film directed by Aisling Walsh. It is based on the book of the same name by Patrick Galvin and is based on true events.
Two young boys have key roles in the film. Patrick Delaney 743 Chris Newman arrives at the school agedand a half. He, like all the boys, is allocated a number which the brothers use. Franklin, however, always uses the boys names. Delaney is an attractive boy and he receives the unwelcome attentions of a pedophile brother, Brother Mac Marc Warren, who molests and rapes the boy in the school toilets. The boy tells of his ordeal to a visiting priest in confession only to be told not to say a word to anyone. Word of Delaneys confession reaches Brother Mac who punishes the boy by forcing him under a cold shower naked, then giving him his clothes so they are also wet.The other boy is Liam Mercier 636 John Travers. Mercier is one of the few boys who can read and write, but is otherwise a hard case. Franklin befriends the boy and interests him in poetry, some of it written by communist sympathisers. Mercier and Franklin both challenge the authority of Brother John Mercier by protesting at the vicious beating of two brothers on Christmas Day, and Franklin by stepping in and actually stopping the whipping. Brother John bides his time and, having tricked Mercier into coming out of class, beats him continuously in front of Brother Mac in the refectory. Franklin is eventually told by Brother Mac that Mercier is in the refectory after which Franklin discovers Merciers dead body. He carries the corpse out of the room. ........
Source: Wikipedia