Soul Plane

Soul Plane is a 2004 American comedy film directed by Jessy Terrero, written by Bo Zenga, and starring Kevin Hart, Method Man, Tom Arnold, D. L. Hughley, MoNique, Loni Love, K.D. Aubert, Godfrey, and Snoop Dogg.

After taking off from Los Angeles International Airport, Nashawn must deal with a multitude of problems, starting with his acrophobic captain, Captain Mack Snoop Dogg. At a cruising altitude of Flight Level 330, it is revealed that he has never left the ground because he learned to fly on computer simulators in prison. Meanwhile, his cousin Muggsey Method Man, sets up a miniature casino and strip joint in one of the areas of the plane as seen in the workprint and unrated versions of the film, and Nashawns exgirlfriend is on board and less than happy to see him. Meanwhile, the Hunkee family, the only caucasian passengers on board, must also deal with their own problems Elvis Hunkees Tom Arnold daughter is turning eighteen and plans to use her newfound freedom by drinking and having sex, his son has transformed from an exact duplicate of him to a stereotypical wigger, and his wife has found a new interest in black men after viewing pictures in a pornographic magazine.The pilot seemingly dies after eating mushrooms that the copilot, First Officer Gaemon Godfrey, uses to soothe his genital crabs. Nashawn attempts to contact Gaemon, who is incapacitated after slipping near a hot tub, forcing Nashawn to attempt to land the plane himself. Nashawn lands the plane safely, using the airplane stewardess Sofa Vergara flight knowledge which she learned while having sex in the cockpit with the pilot on another plane. The plane lands in the middle of Central Park instead of John F. Kennedy International Airport, and the spinners are stolen from the plane. Nashawn reconciles with his exgirlfriend after earlier revealing to her that he only broke up with her so she would not give up her college opportunities for him. ........

Source: Wikipedia