Sreekrishna Parunthu is a 1984 Malayalam horror film directed by A. Vincent and featuring Mohanlal, Balan K. Nair and Jagathy. The story is about Kumaran who is a complete rogue turns to be a pious saint and the temptations he has to suffer. It is based on the novel of the same name written by P. V. Thampi.
One night Kumaran goes to his ancestral palace for collecting manuscripts on traditional magic. On his return, he encounters the ghost of Lakshmikutty who tries to attract Kumaran. Lakshmikutty died of snake bite while having sexual intercourse with Kumaran earlier. Using his magical powers Kumaran gains control over the ghost. Lakshmikutty vows to Kumaran that she will not disturb him till he keeps his Brahmacharya. Choorakkattu Bhattathiri is a local black magician who wants to gain supremacy on the locality by destroying the magical powers of Kumaran and he worships Vadayakshi who resides in the Banyan tree along with demoness Dhuma. From ghosts to women, he tries everything to do it but Kumaran escapes with his powers. Meantime, Kumaran gets attracted towards Bhanumathi Pavithra who starts to disturb him in his dreams. Soon Kumaran loses control over his emotions and breaks his Brahmacharya by having sex with Meenakshi, a local prostitute. Here starts the deterioration of Kumarans magical powers.The ghost of Lakshmikutty returns, since Kumaran has breached his brahmacharya. Again using his magical powers, Kumaran convinces her and keeps her locked inside his out house. As he broke his celibacy vows, he cant invoke Garuda anymore and loses much of his magical powers. Kumaran starts to perform black magic for making money since he is not able to concentrate. Choorakkattu Bhattathiri uses Vada Yakshi and Dhuma Demoness to kill all relatives of Kumaran. While Garuda saved the pious mother of Kumaran from Vada Yakshi, Dhuma was successful in burning the niece of Kumaran. However the nephew was saved, as he was wearing the magical amulet. ........
Source: Wikipedia