Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan is a 1982 American science fiction film released by Paramount Pictures. It is the second film based on Star Trek, and is a sequel to Star Trek The Motion Picture 1979. The plot features Admiral James T. Kirk William Shatner and the crew of the starship USS Enterprise facing off against the geneticallyengineered tyrant Khan Noonien Singh Ricardo Montalbn, a character who first appeared in the 1967 Star Trek television series episode Space Seed. When Khan escapes from a 15year exile to exact revenge on Kirk, the crew of the Enterprise must stop him from acquiring a powerful terraforming device named Genesis. The film concludes with the death of the Enterprises captain, Spock Leonard Nimoy, beginning a story arc that continues with the 1984 film Star Trek III The Search for Spock and concludes with 1986s Star Trek IV The Voyage Home.
In the year 2285, Admiral James T. Kirk oversees a simulator session of Captain Spocks trainees. In the simulation, Lieutenant Saavik commands the starship USS Enterprise on a rescue mission to save the crew of a damaged ship. When the Enterprise enters the Klingon Neutral Zone to reach the ship it is attacked by Klingon cruisers and critically damaged. The simulation is named the Kobayashi Marua nowin scenario designed to test the character of Starfleet officers. Later, Dr. McCoy joins Kirk on his birthday seeing Kirk in low spirits, the doctor advises Kirk to get a new command and not grow old behind a desk.Meanwhile, the USS Reliant is on a mission to search for a lifeless planet for testing of the Genesis Device, a technology designed to reorganize matter to create habitable worlds for colonization. Reliant officers Commander Pavel Chekov and Captain Clark Terrell beam down to the surface of a possible candidate planet, which they believe to be Ceti Alpha VI once there, they are captured by genetically engineered tyrant Khan Noonien Singh. The Enterprise discovered Khans ship adrift in spaceyears previously Kirk exiled Khan and his fellow supermen from 20thcentury Earth to Ceti Alpha V after they attempted to take over the Enterprise. After they were marooned, Ceti Alpha VI exploded, shifting the orbit of Ceti Alpha V and destroying its ecosystem. Khan blames Kirk for the death of his wife and plans revenge. He implants Chekov and Terrell with indigenous eels that enter the ears of their victims and render them susceptible to mind control, and uses the officers to capture the Reliant. Learning of Genesis, Khan attacks space station Regula I where the device is being developed by Kirks former lover, Dr. Carol Marcus, and their son, David. ........
Source: Wikipedia