Star Trek Nemesis is a 2002 American science fiction film released by Paramount Pictures. It is the tenth film in the Star Trek film franchise and is the fourth and last film to star the cast of the television program Star Trek The Next Generation. It was directed by Stuart Baird and written by John Logan from a story developed by Logan, Brent Spiner, and producer Rick Berman. The crew of the USS EnterpriseE are forced to deal with a threat to the United Federation of Planets from a Reman clone of Captain Picard named Shinzon who has taken control of the Romulan Star Empire in a coup dtat.
The crew of the USS EnterpriseE prepares to bid farewell to longtime first officer Commander William Riker and Counselor Deanna Troi, who are being married on Betazed. En route, they discover a positronic energy reading on a planet in the Kolaran system near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Captain JeanLuc Picard, Lieutenant Commander Worf, and Lieutenant Commander Data land on Kolarus III and discover the remnants of an android resembling Data. When the android is reassembled it reveals its name is B4, and the crew deduce it to be a lessadvanced, earlier version of Data.Picard is contacted by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway and orders the ship on a diplomatic mission to nearby Romulus. Janeway explains that the Romulan Imperial Senate has been killed in a military coup and is now controlled by a Reman named Shinzon, who says he wants peace with the Federation and to bring freedom to Remus. On arrival, they learn Shinzon is a clone of Picard, secretly created by Romulans to create a spy into the Federation, but the project was abandoned and Shinzon casted off to Remus. There, Shinzon became a leader of the Remans, and constructed his flagship, a heavily armed warship named Scimitar. Initially, diplomatic efforts go well, but the Enterprise crew discover the Scimitar is producing low levels of thalaron radiation, which had been used to kill the Imperial Senate and is deadly to nearly all life forms. There are also unexpected attempts to communicate with the Enterprise computers, and Shinzon himself violates Trois mind through his telepathy. ........
Source: Wikipedia