Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace is a 1999 American epicdiscuss space opera film written and directed by George Lucas, produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the fourth installment in the Star Wars saga and stars Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Pernilla August and Frank Oz.
Supreme Chancellor Valorum, leader of the Galactic Republic, dispatches Jedi Master QuiGon Jinn and his apprentice ObiWan Kenobi to negotiate with the Trade Federation leadership to end a blockade of battleships around the planet Naboo. Darth Sidious, a Sith Lord and the Trade Federations secret adviser, orders Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to kill the Jedi and invade Naboo with an army of battle droids. The Jedi flee to Naboo, where QuiGon saves Gungan outcast Jar Jar Binks from being killed during the invasion. Indebted to the Jedi, Jar Jar leads them to an underwater Gungan city. The Jedi try but fail to persuade the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, into helping the people of Naboo, though they are able to obtain transportation to Theed, the capital city on the surface. They rescue Queen Amidala, the ruler of the Naboo people, and escape the planet on her royal starship, which is damaged as they pass the Federation blockade.Amidalas ship is unable to sustain its hyperdrive and lands for repairs on the desert planet Tatooine. QuiGon, Jar Jar, astromech droid R2D2, and Amidala in disguise as a handmaiden visit the settlement of Mos Espa to buy new parts at a junk shop. There they meet the shops owner Watto and his nineyearold slave Anakin Skywalker, who is a gifted pilot and engineer, and has created a protocol droid called C3PO. QuiGon senses a strong presence of the Force within Anakin and is convinced that he is the chosen one of Jedi prophecy who will bring balance to the Force. QuiGon wagers Anakins freedom with Watto in a Podrace, which Anakin wins. Anakin joins the group to be trained as a Jedi, leaving his mother Shmi behind. En route to their repaired starship, QuiGon enters a brief lightsaber duel with Darth Maul, Darth Sidious Sith apprentice who was sent to capture Amidala. ........
Source: Wikipedia