Still Alice is a 2014 American drama film written and directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland and based on Lisa Genovas 2007 bestselling novel of the same name. The film stars Julianne Moore as Alice Howland, a linguistics professor at Columbia diagnosed with familial Alzheimers disease. Alec Baldwin plays her husband, John, and Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth, and Hunter Parrish play her children, Lydia, Anna and Tom.
Alice Howland, a linguistics professor at Columbia University, celebrates her 50th birthday with her physician husband John and three adult children. Giving a lecture, Alice forgets the word lexicon, and during a jog becomes lost on campus. Her doctor diagnoses her with early onset familial Alzheimers disease. Alices mother and sister, Anne and Sarah Daly, died in a car crash in 1972 when she was 18, and ever since, she has been affected with grief from their deaths. In flashbacks Alice fantasizes about her mother and sister playing on the beach.Alices eldest daughter, Anna, tests positive for the Alzheimers gene Annas unborn twins test negative, as does Alices son Tom. Alices younger daughter, aspiring actress Lydia, decides not to be tested for fear of being tested positive. ........
Source: Wikipedia