Storm in a Teacup (film)

Storm in a Teacup is a 1937 British romantic comedy film starring Vivien Leigh, Rex Harrison in his first starring role, Cecil Parker, and Sara Allgood. It is based on the German play Sturm im Wasserglas by Bruno Frank, as well as the Englishlanguage adaptations Londons Storm in a Teacup and Broadways Storm Over Patsy, both written by James Bridie. A reporter writes an article that embarrasses a politician. Meanwhile, the newspaperman is also attracted to his targets daughter.

When the idealistic young reporter exposes the injustice being done to her in the local newspaper before the editors have a chance to suppress the article it sparks an indignant protest campaign all over England and Scotland. The furious Mayor rashly sues the cheeky little rotter from London for libel. A courtroom scene ensues which strongly resembles a kangaroo trial until, in view of local support for the defendant with the villagers humorously barking like dogs and the budding love affair between the reporter and the Mayors daughter, the poor man gives up all is happily solved.Given the time the film was made, it seems obvious that its intention was to parody the worrisome dictatorships flourishing in Germany, Italy and the USSR, in the same spirit, although more lightheartedly, as Chaplins Great Dictator. This is made manifest by the monumental neoRoman architecture of the towns brandnew City Hall and the kitschy imperial regalia pompously worn by the Mayor, brilliantly played by Cecil Parker. In a moving scene, the reporter angrily compares the Mayors rule to Berlin and Moscow, and declares that his longsuffering people are willing to endure all the hardships of their lot and go to the four corners of the earth to give their lives, but that they will never accept bullying and cruelty. ........

Source: Wikipedia