Straight Talk

Straight Talk is an 1992 American comedyfilm distributed by Hollywood Pictures, directed by Barnet Kellman and starring Dolly Parton and James Woods. Parton did not receive starbilling in any other theatrically released films until the 2012 film Joyful Noise, alongside Queen Latifah. Her previous starring films had beento1980, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas 1982, Rhinestone 1984, and Steel Magnolias 1989.

Shirlee starts off in the film as a dance instructor living in Arkansas. After she is fired for giving advice to her clients rather than teaching them dance, she attempts to convince her commonlaw husband to move to Chicago with her. After he declines and then belittles her, she decides to move there herself.Once she arrives, she is standing on a bridge enjoying the view of the city when she accidentally drops a twentydollar bill. As she climbs over the rail in an attempt to retrieve the money, Jack played by James Woods sees her from his office window. He is a reporter for a Chicago newspaper. He thinks she is trying to commit suicide, so he runs out to rescue her. As he attempts to grab her and save her, Shirlee almost falls and drops the money she was trying to recover. After they recover, she complains that he caused her to lose the twenty dollars shed been trying to retrieve. Jack tries to give her money, saying she must need it more than he if she is willing to risk her life to retrieve it. She refuses and the two part. A bit later the same morning, Shirlee stops into a cafe for breakfast, and strikes up a conversation with another customer, Janice Teri Hatcher, who is annoyed at having been stood up by her boyfriend the previous evening. Shirlee tells Janice that he is taking her for granted, and advises her to end the relationship, only to realize that Janices boyfriend is, in fact, Jack Jack shows up, and Janice tells him she no longer wants to see him, adding that Shirlee has helped her to realize how much Jack takes her for granted. Jack thanks Shirlee for wrecking his entire day, as he exits the cafe. ........

Source: Wikipedia