Strayed French Les gars is a 2003 French drama film directed by Andr Tchin, starring Emmanuelle Bart and Gaspard Ulliel. The plot follows a widowed mother, who escaping occupied Paris with her two young children during World War II, finds shelter with an itinerant teenager at an abandoned rural house. The film is an adaptation of Gilles Perraults novel The Boy With Grey Eyes Le Garon aux yeux gris.
Resourceful and fiercely independent, Yvan, who is seventeen, can hunt and knows his way around the forest, so he can be of big help to Odile and her children. Odile regards this enigmatic scamp with overt suspicion, but Yvan charms Cathy and especially Philippe, who admires his rogue selfsufficiency and takecharge attitude. Afraid that Yvan will leave them, Philippe bribes him to stay, using his late fathers watch as an inducement. After a night in the open, the four fugitives stumble upon a large house. Yvan unhesitatingly breaks in. Odile just would like to make a phone call, but Yvan convinces them all that the abandoned house is a safe and comfortable refuge from the war, at least temporarily. As he goes inside, Yvan cuts the phone lines and hides an existing radio, before opening the door to the others, ensuring their isolation from what is happening in the outside world..An almost idyllic peaceful life follows for the four refugees, away from the war around them. The house is large and comfortable and as Odile soon discovers it was a country retreat owned by a Jewish married couple of musicians who left for abroad. Odile takes on house chores providing a sense of normalcy for her children. Her husband was killed recently fighting the Germans and she, a former school teacher, was ill prepared by the subsequent upheavals created by the war. ........
Source: Wikipedia