
Sunchaser titled onscreen as The Sunchaser is a 1996 film directed by Michael Cimino and starring Woody Harrelson, Jon Seda and Anne Bancroft. As of 2015, this is director Ciminos last featurelength film.

During a medical visit, the patient discovers that he has only a month to live and decides to escape. He kidnaps Dr. Reynolds and forces him to drive to Arizona to visit a mountain lake sacred to the Navajo people. The trip forces both to confront their senseofself and life choices.Mickey Rourke, collaborator and friend of Cimino, believes the director snapped sometime during the making of The Sunchaser. Michael is the sort of person that if you take away his money he shortcircuits, Rourke says. He is a man of honor. Rourke did not say how or why Cimino snapped. ........

Source: Wikipedia