Super Hero Central is a 2004 Martial arts oriented Cult film. This film was directed by and stars Scott Shaw. The CoStars of this films include Donald G. Jackson, Conrad Brooks, and Kevin Thompson.
The third primary character of this film is an unnamed character, played by Donald G. Jackson. This character goes through the film, reporting on the band through telephone conversations and while driving through Hollywood. The fourth, also unnamed, primary character is played by Hae Won Shin. This character is a spiritual teacher who sends Shaw on his mission to fight crime.The other primary characters who appear in this film are a reporter, Linda Marshall and a police commissioner, Commissioner Beckman. The reporter is seen throughout the film, reporting on the crime activities taking place in Hollywood, interviewing the police commissioner, and also interacting with the band members. She is eventually captured by the crime lord, which set the climax of this film into motion. ........
Source: Wikipedia