
Superdad is a 1973 American comedy film by Walt Disney Productions and starring Bob Crane, Barbara Rush, Kurt Russell, Joe Flynn, and Kathleen Cody. The film marks the onscreen debut of Bruno Kirby.

Charlie McCready Bob Crane tries to wrest his daughter Wendy Kathleen Cody from her childhood friends, whom he believes have no ambition. He especially disapproves of her boyfriend, Bart Kurt Russell. Initially he makes a few attempts to bridge the generation gap, but he fails, especially during the surfing scene, where he falls off the surfboard and get washed up. Late in the summer, Wendy receives a letter informing her that shes won a full scholarship to her parents alma mater, Huttington College. Unbeknownst to her, the letter is fake her father has paid the first years tuition himself, and had a friend at the college send the letter to her. He did this so Wendy would not attend City College with Bart and her other friends.Charlie later visits Wendy at Huttington, and discovers that the college has changed considerably since he attended there. Wendy later discovers his plot, and joins the campus counterculture as a way of getting even. She inadvertently becomes engaged to a hippie artist named Klutch. Charlie attempts to intervene on her behalf, and ends up in a fistfight with Klutch. Fortunately, Wendys boyfriend Bart comes to the rescue. At this point, Charlie learns that Bart had turned down a scholarship to Huttingdon so he could be near Wendy. The movie ends with Wendys marriage to Bart. ........

Source: Wikipedia