
Superfantozzi is an Italian film from 1986. It is the fifth film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio. In this film, Fantozzi is portrayed in a surreal historical journey, from Genesis to 1980s.

After the experience of two world wars, the second of which fought in Japan by Hiroshima where the atomic bomb exploded, Fantozzi comes in eighties, in the period in which we know, when he along with Filini and colleagues participated in a soccer match between the Italy and Scotland. Immediately start the fights between the fans and the duels weapon similar to the Cavalleria rusticana by Giovanni Verga. Then Fantozzi and Filini think to sneak into the lions den dressed as Scottish bagpipes but because of faulty Fantozzi who plays the hymn of Goffredo Mameli, the two are lynched and beaten to a pulp. L0evento news will be reported in the news. In the distant future Fantozzi and family prepare to dine happily in an apartment fashionable technology, but the manager asked him to repair the antenna of the satellite. Released, Fantozzi will be hit by an asteroid.

Source: Wikipedia