Superman Classic

Superman Classic is a 2011 animated fan film made by Robb Pratt.

Robb Pratt is a veteran animator who works at Walt Disney Animation Studios. His works include the films Pocahontas, Hercules, Tarzan and Fantasia 2000, as well as the TV shows Kim Possible, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil.In designing the characters, Pratt mixed the traits of the Superman actors from past titles. The Metropolis scenery is heavily inspired by the architecture of Hugh Ferriss, while the films music is taken from the 1948 Superman serial composed by Mischa Bakaleinikoff. For the animation work, the storyboards were done digitally, but the character animation itself was handdrawn on paper before each frame was scanned and digitally colored and composited into the backgrounds. Clark KentSuperman was voiced by John Newton, who played the character in the first season of the 1988 Superboy TV series, while Lois Lane was voiced by his wife Jennifer. ........

Source: Wikipedia