Surviving Evil

Surviving Evil also known as Evil Island is a 2009 horror film directed and written by Terence Daw, and produced by David Pupkewitz, Anton Ernst and Malcolm Kohll. It stars Billy Zane, Christina Cole, Natalie Mendoza and Louise Barnes. Six documentary filmmakers attempt to survive their visit to a Philippine island to shoot a survival special when they discover the shape shifting, bloodthirsty Aswang creature of the Philippine folklore inhabits the island.

The second day, Joey and Cecilia travel alone to the village of the Isarog tribe, where people had been savaged and one womans corpse remains with her stomach gouged open. Determined to stay for the whole trip, Joey forces Cecilia to keep her silence among the group about the lurking danger. That night, Phoebe overhears one of their conversations and together they discuss the Aswang, detailed as a shape shifting, flesheating, jungle tree creature of the Filipino folklore, capable of procreating by altering the fetus of a pregnant woman in an evolutionary process called Dungo nan bunti. The creatures fears include staying on the ground too long and fire.The third day, Sebastian is bitten by the Aswang and Phoebe comes across an infant corpse, as Joey and Cecilia follow map directions to a gun tower close to the Aswangs nest. There, Cecilia finds out Joey is searching for gold to help his family. The gold and the treasure map were left behind decades ago by Joeys grandfather who was a prisoner of the Japanese army in the Second World War. Joey detonates a hole in the tower floor and goes underground to find and obtain some of the gold. Just then, many Aswang creatures attack Cecilia, who stayed above to take cover for Joey. Cecilia falls out of sight, and when Joey returns to the surface, he is killed by the creatures, to Cecilias horror. ........

Source: Wikipedia