Sutta Kadhai English Stolen Story is a 2013 Indian Tamil black comedy film written and directed by Subu, a new director. It stars Balaji, Venky, Dongli, Nassar, Lakshmi Priyaa and M. S. Bhaskar. The plot revolves around two police constables who try to solve a murder case in a village.
Subu, who had earlier served as a lyricist for the movie Aarohanam, completed the first schedule in Kodaikanal in March 2013. Two of the actors, Venky and Lakshmi Priyaa, have worked with Chennai based theatre groups, Stray Factory and Evam respectively. Lakshmi Priyaa, who plays the role of a tribal girl in Sutta Kadhai, liked the script because the story line of the dark comedy was different.According to Subu, Sutta Kadhai will be a different creation because of the milieu of the story. Even as the riproaring instances happen, the underlying factors are spinechilling. It is all about a murder and the ensuing enquiry. The story takes place at night and we shot the film extensively in Kodaikanal. One night while shooting, we were confronted by a herd of wild buffaloes, which added to the thrill, says Subu. ........
Source: Wikipedia