Sweet Hours (Dulces horas)

Sweet Hours Dulces horas is a Spanish film, written and directed by Carlos Saura and released in 1982. The title comes from words in the soundtrack song Recordar To Remember sung by the soprano Imperia Argentina.

And Juan falls in love with Berta Assumpta Serna, the stunning young actress who is rehearsing the role of the mother.The film was reviewed by Pauline Kael in The New Yorker This movie has the kind of subtle obviousness that is generally described as literate. What it comes down to is that Carlos Saura has a feeling for dark, autumnal elegance, and a dexterous technique that he puts at the service of tired ideas. What saves him from pedantry is that his films have occasional moments of erotic vibrancy. Scenes that arent explicitly sexual in content are sexualized, so that they become ambiguous and disturbing even haunting...In a Saura film, something more directly sexual is often impending it hovers in the atmosphere. ..the wideeyed Assumpta Serna, when she smiles, has a teasing elusiveness..She makes the atmosphere hum..perhaps Saura means us to see that the cycle is inescapable..The enigma of Saura is his addiction to enigma. ........

Source: Wikipedia