Take Out (2004 film)

Take Out is a 2004 independent film depicting a dayinthelife of an illegal Chinese immigrant working as a deliveryman for a Chinese takeout shop in New York City. The widely acclaimed film, cowritten and directed by Sean Baker and ShihChing Tsou, has been nominated for the John Cassavetes award in the 2009 Independent Spirit Awards.

Take Out is a dayinthelife of Ming Ding Charles Jang, an illegal Chinese immigrant working as a deliveryman for a Chinese takeout shop in New York City. Ming is behind with payments on his huge debt to the smugglers who brought him to the United States. The collectors have given him until the end of the day to deliver the money that is due. After borrowing most of the money from friends and relatives, Ming realizes that the remainder must come from the days delivery tips. In order to do so, he must make more than double his average daily income.In a socialrealist style, the camera follows Ming on his deliveries throughout the upper Manhattan neighborhood where social and economic extremes exist side by side. Intercutting between Mings deliveries and the daily routine of the restaurant, Take Out presents a harshly real look at the daily lives of illegal Chinese immigrants in New York City. ........

Source: Wikipedia