
Takers formerly known as Bone Deep is a 2010 American action crime thriller film directed by John Luessenhop from a story and screenplay written by Luessenhop, Gabriel Casseus, Peter Allen, John Rogers, and Avery Duff. It features an ensemble cast that includes Idris Elba, Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Hayden Christensen, Michael Ealy, and Zoe Saldana. The film was released on August 27, 2010. Walker and Ealy both appeared in the 2003 film,FastFurious, while Elba and Brown had starred together in the 2007 film This Christmas.

Two detectives, Jack Welles Matt Dillon and Eddie Hatcher Jay Hernandez, investigate a daring heist by a group of wellorganized bank robbers. The crew, led by Gordon Cozier Idris Elba, consists of John Paul Walker, A.J. Hayden Christensen, and brothers Jake Michael Ealy and Jesse Chris Brown Attica. The crew is without a former member, Ghost T.I., who was caught during a previous robberyyears ago. In his absence, Jake has begun a relationship with his former girlfriend Lilly Zoe Saldana, who has accepted his proposal.After Ghost gets released from prison, he meets up with the crew to plan a heist, in which it is discovered that two trucks will travel together but that all the money is kept in the lead truck, which holdsmillion. ........

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