The film starts with Shaka Rahul Dev killing his own brother for information, which is also known to another man, Veeru Dada. In the encounter, Veeru Dada Ashok Kumar jumps off into a river from a cliff. Afteryears, we have Veeru Dada with a leg cut off giving info to Raja Mahesh Babu, a mischievous thief who robs banks in style. Raja gives Veeru Dada a share of 50 for all his tip offs. Raja becomes more daring as the price tag on his head increases by thousands.There is another mischievous thief, Panasa Bipasha Basu, who with uncle follows Raju so that she can dupe him and escape with all the looted money. As the things go on a frolicking way between Panasa and Raja, the desperate Shaka is searching for Veeru Dada. Veeru Dada realizes that Shaka will kill him soon. Hence, Veeru Dada offers a big diamond to Raja and asks him to escort his daughter Bhuvana Lisa Ray to his brother Dharmas place. ........
Source: Wikipedia