Tatsumi is a 2011 Singaporean animated drama film directed by Eric Khoo. It is based on the manga memoir A Drifting Life and five earlier short stories by the Japanese manga artist Yoshihiro Tatsumi. The film is a Singaporean production with Japanese dialogue, and was animated in Indonesia.
The film follows the career of Yoshihiro Tatsumi, as he begins to work as a comics artist in postwar occupied Japan, meets his idol Osamu Tezuka, and invents the gekiga genre of Japanese comics for adults. Interweaved with the biographical material are segments based on Tatsumis short stories Hell, Beloved Monkey, Just a Man, GoodBye and Occupied.Singaporean director Eric Khoo, who previously exclusively made liveaction films but has a past as a comics artist, was first introduced to the works of Yoshihiro Tatsumi during his military service, and says that he immediately was stricken by the sadness and beauty of the stories. When Tatsumis 840page autobiographical manga, A Drifting Life, was published in Singapore in 2009, Khoo realised that Tatsumi still was alive and wanted to pay tribute to him. Khoo visited Tatsumi in Japan in October 2009 and received the permission to adapt the work to film. Production was led by Khoos Singaporean company Zhao Wei Films. The budget of the film corresponded to 800,000 US dollars. ........
Source: Wikipedia