Teen Kanya is a 1961 Indian Bengali anthology film directed by Satyajit Ray, and based upon short stories by Rabindranath Tagore. The title means Three Girls, and the films original Indian release contained three stories. However, the international release of the film contained only two stories, missing out the second Monihara The Lost Jewels. This version was released on VHS in 1997 under the title Two Daughters. However, there are now DVD versions available that contain all three films.
Nandalal, a city bred young man, is like a fish out of water in the village. He is bored. On an impulse and probably to kill time, he begins teaching her to read and write. She responds eagerly. A tender bond develops. Ratan is devoted and waits on him. For Nandalal, however, she is just a pastime.When Nandalal contracts malaria, Ratan nurses him back to health. But he has had enough of the rural life and resigns. Ratan is heartbroken. He prepares to leave without realizing how attached to him Ratan has become. ........
Source: Wikipedia