ThanksKilling is a 2008 horror comedy film written and directed by Jordan Downey, and cowritten by Brad Schulz, Tony Wilson, Grant Yaffee, and Kevin Stewart. It was followed by a 2013 sequel entitled ThanksKilling 3, the 112,248 budget of which was raised on the website Kickstarter.
Centuries later, five college students good girl Kristen, jock Johnny, ditzy Ali, redneck Billy, and nerdy Darren head home to Crawl Berg formerly Crawberg for Thanksgiving with their families. After Kristen calls her father, the local sheriff, the car overheats, forcing the quintet to camp out for the night. As they are setting up, Darren tells the settlerera folktale of Feathercloud, a Native American shaman who was dishonored by hedonistic pilgrim Chuck Langston, one of Billys ancestors. The outraged Feathercloud used necromancy to create Turkie, who is said to appear every fivehundred and five years to slaughter all Caucasians he encounters.Elsewhere, a dog owned by a hermit named Oscar urinates on a miniature totem pole, desecrating it, and releasing Turkie prematurely. The dog is killed, prompting Oscar to swear vengeance as Turkie runs off, and scares Kristen. Kristen tells the others about her runin with Turkie, but they laugh off her story, until a baby rabbit which appears to have been pecked to death is thrown into their campfire. The next day, Turkie flags down a vehicle, and when the driver sexually propositions him, Turkie responds by shooting the man in the head and hijacking his car. By nightfall, the students reach their respective homes, and while Johnny tries to reconnect with his estranged father, Turkie attacks him. Johnnys parents are killed, but he escapes, and rejoins his friends with the exception of Ali, who is having sex with her boyfriend, Greg. Turkie walks in on the lovers, slits Gregs throat, and rapes Ali before snapping her neck. ........
Source: Wikipedia