That Beautiful Somewhere is a Canadian feature film written, directed and produced by Robert Budreau, produced by Ian Murray and executive produced by Bill Plumstead for Loon Film Inc. and Lumanity Productions. The film stars Roy Dupuis and Jane McGregor. The screenplay was based on the novel Loon, by William Bill Plumstead, who was also its executive producer. It was filmed on location in Temagami and North Bay, Ontario in 2005 and completed in 2006. Its world premire, attended by Budreau, Dupuis, and Murray, occurred on August 26, 2006, during the Montreal World Film Festival. It was also shown at the Atlantic Film Festival, the Cinfest Sudbury International Film Festival, the Calgary International Film Festival.
A detective teams up with a young female archaeologist to unravel the mysterious death of a bog body found in a native swamp rumoured to have curative powers. It is the story of two wounded souls searching for healing and redemption.
Source: Wikipedia