The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, often shortened to Buckaroo Banzai, is a 1984 American science fiction romantic adventure comedy film directed and produced by W. D. Richter, and concerns the efforts of the multitalented Dr. Buckaroo Banzai, a physicist, neurosurgeon, test pilot, and rock musician, to save the world by defeating a band of interdimensional aliens called Red Lectroids from Planet 10. The film is a cross between the actionadventure and scifi film genres and also includes elements of comedy, satire, and romance.
Hearing of Banzais success, physicist Dr. Emilio Lizardo John Lithgow breaks out of the Trenton Home for the Criminally Insane, after being held there for 50 years. A flashback shows Banzais mentor, Dr. Hikita Robert Ito, was present at Lizardos failed overthruster experiment in 1938. Crashing half through the target wall, Lizardo had been briefly trapped in the 8th dimension where his mind was taken over by Lord John Whorfin.Whorfin is the leader of the Red Lectroids, a race of alien reptiles who wage war against Planet 10. After being defeated by the lessaggressive Black Lectroids, Whorfin and his group were banished into the eighth dimension. Lizardos failed experiment accidentally released Whorfin and he soon brings many of the Red Lectroids to Earth in an incident that was reported in 1938 by Orson Welles in his radio broadcast The War of the Worlds, only to be forced by the aliens to retract it all as fiction. ........
Source: Wikipedia