The Adventures of Sinbad (film)

The Adventures of Sinbad Hindi is a 2D animated movie featuring Sinbad the sailor and his friends. Produced by Afzal Ahmed Khan and directed by duo Shinjan Neogi and Abhishek Panchal this animated movie released onMarch 2013.

The Adventures of Sinbad is a 2D animated movie about Sinbad a 12yearold boy and his friends. The little sailor of legend is framed by the King of darkness Sahzaman for the treasure of seven seas, and must travel to his realm at the end of the world to retrieve it and save the life of King Nazab the king of the city of Baghdad, who is also father of princess Xina. The extremely adventures voyage for the hunt of the greatest treasure witness the most terrifying dark evil power of Sahzaman and the fights of our sailor of legend Sinbad and his friends.

Source: Wikipedia