The Astronaut Farmer

The Astronaut Farmer is a 2006 American drama film directed by Michael Polish, who cowrote the screenplay with his brother Mark. The story focuses on a Texas rancher who attempts to construct a rocket in his barn and launch himself into outer space.

Farmers launch is delayed by endless red tape created by government officials, who seek to stall him beyond his deadline foreclose on the farm. Farmer was counting on publicity to help him financially. He is denied the fuel he wants hydrazine, officials claiming he is a security risk and that it is too dangerous to allow a private citizen to launch a space vehicle. Facing financial ruin, he panics, climbs aboard, and, using substitute fuel, he somehow launches the rocket. The rocket falls over and horizontally blasts out of the old wooden barn where it was constructed.Farmer nearly dies with head trauma and other injuries after his capsule is thrown from the rocket. Spectators and their vehicles are nearly crushed. During the months he spends recuperating, public interest in his project wanes, and while he recovers slowly, he is depressed at the failure of the project and of his dream. ........

Source: Wikipedia