The Black Cat (1981 film)

The Black Cat Italian Black Cat Gatto nero is a 1981 Italian horror film directed by Lucio Fulci. The film is based loosely on the story of the same name by Edgar Allan Poe, and uses the violent style that typified the directors later career, following films like Dont Torture a Duckling 1972.

Elsewhere, Maureen Grayson Daniela Doria, a local outgoing teenager and her boyfriend, Stan, are in a rowboat on a nearby canal when they row to a boathouse and lock themselves in an airtight room so they can have sex. Maureen becomes nervous and Stan discovers that the key for the locked door has disappeared. They are trapped as the rooms air begins to run out.The following day, Lillian Gayson Dagmar Lassander calls the police to her daughters disappearance and Sergeant Wilson calls a man from Scotland Yard, Inspector Gorley David Warbeck who rides into town on his motorcycle and immediately gets a speeding ticket from Sergeant Wilson upon arrival at the police station. Meanwhile, Jills search for the owner of the minimicrophone leads her to Miles, who discuses with her the barriers of perception and how to escape them. He tries to hypnotize Jill, but is prevented from doing so by the black cat, which suddenly leaps and scratches him. Jill leaves in a hurry. ........

Source: Wikipedia