The Bone Snatcher is a BritishCanadian horror film based on a screenplay from Malcolm Kohll and Gordon Render, the film was directed by South African filmmaker Jason Wolfsohn and stars Scott Bairstow, Rachel Shelley and Adrienne Pierce.
The researchers decided to investigate the structure, but in the gathering darkness, sheer hell breaks loose as the creature, composed of a swarm of antlike insects wrapped around the bones of its victims, hunts them for their bones. A game of cat and mouse continues through the desert, with the team being slowly picked off and the bug and bone monster eventually being chased down in a derelict mine building.Zack finds it hard to decide to kill the yellow brain bug that controls the swarm that has killed dozens of people, but he eventually does so. Suddenly, the derelict building starts to fall down, leaving Zack and Mikki to run back to the truck where they find they are now the only survivors of the team. The film ends with Mikki driving into the distance apparently oblivious to the contents of the box in the trunk of her car. ........
Source: Wikipedia