The Boy with the Cuckoo Clock Heart

Jack and the CuckooClock Heart is an animated feature film based on the concept album by the French rock band Dionysos, and on the illustrated novel La Mcanique du cur written by the bands lead singer Mathias Malzieu. The music of the film was entirely composed by Dionysos.

In Edinburgh, Scotland 1874, Jack is born on the coldest day ever. Due to the extreme cold he is born with a frozen heart which will not beat. The attendant midwife Madeleine saves his life by replacing his heart with a fragile but working cuckoo clock. She then advises him of three rules to prevent his untimely death he must never play with the hands of the clock, he must never lose his temper, and finally he must never fall in love. Jacks mother, for reasons known only to her, quickly decides her child would be better raised by Madeleine and departs, leaving Jack. Madeleine, incapable of bearing her own children, raises and loves him as her own.On Jacks tenth birthday, Madeleine repeats the three rules before taking him into town for the first time. He meets a girl in town named Miss Acacia and becomes infatuated with her. After starting school shortly afterward, he also meets Joe, a bully who is in love with Miss Acacia as well. Jealous, the older boy and his gang of students torment Jack for the next four years. During an assault from Joe, the cuckoo of Jacks clock heart gouges Joes eye, and Jack runs home believing he had murdered Joe. Madeleine, believing Jack to be a fugitive helps him to escape. ........

Source: Wikipedia