The Bronze Buckaroo

The Bronze Buckaroo is a 1939 American film directed by Richard C. Kahn. It is one of a number of race films, made by AfricanAmerican directors and performers for AfricanAmerican audiences. The Bronze Buckaroo stars black cowboy singer Herb Jeffries, here billed as Herbert Jeffrey.

Blake discovers that Jackson is being held by a local land grabbing rancher, Buck Thorne, who with his partner Pete has discovered gold on Jacksons ranch. They killed Joe and Bettys father, and are trying to force Joe to deed the land over to Thorne. Blake develops a plan to rescue Jackson from where he is being held above the saloon, but runs into trouble. Betty sends Blakes men into the saloon as backup and is kidnapped by Thorne, who then threatens to kill Betty and Joe if they do not sign the deed. While Dusty rides for the sheriff, Blake and his men backtrack Bettys horse who arrived home riderless. A gun battle ensues, with the sheriff arriving in the nick of time. The villains are hauled off to jail, and Blake rides into the sunset with Betty.

Source: Wikipedia