The Brute Man

The Brute Man is a 1946 American horror thriller film starring Rondo Hatton as the Creeper, a murderer seeking revenge against the people he holds responsible for the disfigurement of his face. Directed by Jean Yarbrough, the film features Tom Neal and Jan Wiley as a married pair of friends the Creeper blames for his deformities. Jane Adams also starred as a blind pianist for whom the Creeper tries to raise money for an operation to restore her vision.

The police investigate a string of murders committed by the Creeper Rondo Hatton, a mysterious killer with a hideously disfigured face. The Creeper attacks and murders Professor Cushman John Hamilton, a professor from the nearby Hampton University. Later that night, the killer approaches a woman named Joan Bemis Janelle Johnson in front of her home and identifies himself as Hal Moffet. Joan screams hysterically at the sight of him until he is driven to kill her. When police cars approach, the Creeper climbs the fire escape of a city tenement building to escape and enters the apartment of Helen Paige Jane Adams, a blind pianist. Unable to see the Creepers deformed face, Helen is not afraid of the intruder, even when he admits he is fleeing from the police. When officers knock on her door, Helen encourages him to hide in her bedroom, where he escapes through the window.The next day, a general store delivery boy named Jimmy Jack Parker listens to a radio report about the Creepers murders. The cantankerous store owner Mr. Haskins Oscar OShea arrives with a handwritten letter slipped under the door, requesting groceries be delivered to a nearby dock. Jimmy brings the groceries to the dock and leaves them at a door, where the Creeper takes them into his hideout. But, when Jimmy tries to spy on him through a window, the Creeper sneaks up on Jimmy and kills him. Meanwhile, at the police station, Captain M.J. Donelly Donald MacBride and Lieutenant Gates Peter Whitney receive complaints from the mayors office about their failure to arrest the Creeper, but they deflect the blame. The two officers then get a call about the missing delivery boy and head to the dock to investigate. ........

Source: Wikipedia