The Center of the World is an American film directed by Wayne Wang, which was digitally shot and released in 2001. It stars Peter Sarsgaard as a Dotcom millionaire who hires a drummerstripper Molly Parker to stay with him in Las Vegas for three days for US10,000. The film was screened out of competition at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival.
The film opened to mixed reviews, and has been compared to movies with similar hooker in love storylines such as Exotica and Pretty Woman. The Center of the World is more explicit than those films, containing both female and male full frontal nudity, as well as a penetration shot of a lollipop in a vagina.A Cincinnati theater owner sparked a worldwide controversy after allegedly ordering a member of his staff to edit a fivesecond scene from the film a day before its release. According to Cincinnati CityBeat, Esquire Theater owner Gary Goldman had instructed his theater manager and projectionist to cut the scene, in which a female stripper inserts a lollipop into her vagina. ........
Source: Wikipedia