The Chipmunk Adventure is a 1987 American animated musical adventure comedy film featuring the characters from NBCs Saturday morning cartoon Alvin and the Chipmunks. The film, directed by Janice Karman and written by Karman and Ross Bagdasarian, stars the voices of Karman, Bagdasarian, and Dody Goodman.
After tricking Miss Miller, the Chipmunks and Chipettes meet at the Furschtein mansion, where they are told the rules each teamthe Chipmunks being one, and the Chipettes the otheris given a separate route to follow, along with a chest of dolls, made in their own likenesses, which they are required to drop off to verify that they have visited all checkpoints. Upon dropping off one of their own dolls, they will receive a doll made in the likeness of a member of the opposing team. In reality, the dolls being dropped off are filled with diamonds, and the dolls received are filled with cash, given to them by the buyers. Both teams begin their travels while the Chipmunks go to Mexico City, the Chipettes are caught in a hurricane and Brittany comes very close to becoming eaten by a shark in Bermuda. Unknown to both teams, however, they are being chased by two INTERPOL agents, sent by Inspector Jamal, who has been informed by Claudia and Klaus butler, Mario, of the Furschteins operation. The agents silently follow behind as the Chipmunks and Chipettes travel to many exotic locations. Both teams meet up in Athens, where Alvin and Brittany begin bickering, each claiming they can outrock and roll the other. What ensues is a largescale musical number set in a nearby temple before they part ways in their separate balloons, with Dave and the two INTERPOL agents nearly spotting them.The Chipettes then travel on to Egypt, where they are captured and brought to a young Arabian prince. The prince falls in love with Brittany and, oblivious to the diamond smuggling, agrees to return the valuable dolls to Jamal but declares that he is keeping the girls, and making Brittany his bride. Despite being showered with gifts, including a baby penguin, the Chipettes are desperate to make an escape. Still unaware of the contents of their dolls, they secretly try to retrieve them only to find them guarded by snakes. Brittany and Jeanette charm the snakes by singing Getting Lucky, then grab the d
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