The Company You Keep is a 2012 political action thriller produced and directed by, and starring, Robert Redford. The script was written by Lem Dobbs based on the 2003 novel of the same name by Neil Gordon. The film was produced by Nicolas Chartier Voltage Pictures, Redford and Bill Holderman.
A recently widowed single father, Jim Grant Robert Redford, is a former Weather Underground militant wanted for a 1980 Michigan bank robbery and the murder of the banks security guard. He has been hiding from the FBI for over thirty years, establishing an identity as a defense attorney near Albany, New York. When Sharon Solarz Susan Sarandon, another former Weather Underground member, is arrested on October 3, 2011, an ambitious young reporter, Ben Shepard Shia LaBeouf, smells an opportunity to make a name for himself with a national story. His prickly editor, Ray Fuller Stanley Tucci, assigns him to follow up. Bens exgirlfriend, Diana Anna Kendrick, is an FBI agent, and he presses her for information about the case. She tells him to look up a Billy Cusimano Stephen Root. Billy, an old hippie with a history of drug arrests who runs an organic grocery, is an old friend of Sharon Solarz and a former client of Jims. Billy is disappointed that Jim doesnt want to take Sharons case, and he conveys this information to Ben when Ben questions him.Ben pursues Jim and tries to question him, but Jim is evasive. Spooked by the federal investigation, Jim takes his 11yearold daughter Isabel Jackie Evancho on a little trip, driving north at first to throw off his pursuers. Ben learns that Mimi Lurie Julie Christie, an accomplice in the Michigan bank robbery, was last seen in Canada. A private investigator helps Ben find out that Jim had no Social Security number prior to 1979 and finds a copy of Jim Grants California death certificate. Ben concludes that Jim is really Nick Sloan, another former Weatherman, and writes an article breaking this news, creating a sensation and accelerating the FBIs interest. ........
Source: Wikipedia