The Condor (film)

The Condor is an animated superhero film about a new character created by Stan Lee. It features the voices of Wilmer Valderrama, Mara Conchita Alonso, Kathleen Barr, Michael Dobson, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, and Cusse Mankuma. Originally titled El Lobo, it was released under the Stan Lee Presents banner, which is a series of directtoDVD animated films distributed by POW Entertainment with Anchor Bay Entertainment. The story was by Stan Lee, with the script by former The New Teen Titans writer Marv Wolfman. It is set in the same world as Mosaic, a prior Stan Lee Presents film. The Condor was released on DVD on March 20, 2007 and had its television premiere on Cartoon Network on March 24, 2007.

Source: Wikipedia