The Crocodile Hunter Collision Course is a 2002 family comedyadventure film based on the nature documentary series The Crocodile Hunter, starring Steve Irwin and his wife Terri Irwin and directed by frequent Irwin collaborator, John Stainton. The film follows Steve and Terri who attempt to save a crocodile from poachers not knowing that the two men are actually American Central Intelligence Agency CIA agents who are after them because the crocodile in the Irwins possession has accidentally swallowed an important satellite tracking beacon. The film was theatrically released onJuly 2002 in the U.S. by MetroGoldwynMayer, which used a crocodile in place of the usual Leo the Lion for its title credit logo sequence. The film earned 33.4 million on amillion budget.
In Australia, the crocodile that swallowed the beacon lives in a river next to the house of Brozzie Drewitt, an obnoxious cattle station owner who is taking it in her own hands to kill the crocodile for preying on her cattle. Because of this, the Department of Fauna and Fisheries send one of its workers, Sam Flynn, to Drewitts house. Sam attempts to convince Brozzie to hire some professionals to relocate the animal, instead of having her kill it, which is illegal. Despite Flynns words, Brozzie attempts to kill the crocodile later that night, only to fail.Meanwhile, the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin and his wife Terri are filming a documentary about the lesslovable of Australias wildlife when they are hired by Flynn to relocate the crocodile that has been bothering Brozzie. Steve successfully gets the crocodile in his boat. Wheeler and Archer are nearby using GPS technology to track the beacon. When the two agents see Steve and Terri zoom past them in their boat with the crocodile who swallowed the beacon on board, they are convinced that the Irwins have the beacon. They call up the CIA, who believe the Irwins plan to use the beacon to pay for a multimilliondollar expansion to Australia Zoo. Steve and Terri board up the crocodile in a crate and put it in the back of the truck to drive to a new river system. Wheeler and Archer follow them from behind in a Land Rover, and when Wheeler hops on the top of the Irwins truck, Steve believes them to be poachers who are after the crocodile. Steve climbs up on the roof and, after a brief fistfight, manages to knock Wheeler off the truck. When the Irwins reach the river, Steve opens the crocodiles crate and discovers that the crocodile had defecated. In the poop, Steve sees a shiny metal object the beacon which he mistakes to be a misproperly discarded childrens spinning top toy. Steve and Terri successfully get the crocodile in the river, but Wheeler and Archer show up again in a boat, determined to get the beacon. Jo Buckley
Source: Wikipedia