The Cure (1995 film)

The Cure is a 1995 drama film starring Brad Renfro and Joseph Mazzello about two boys searching for the cure of AIDS, from which one of them is suffering. It was produced by Eric Eisner and Mark Burg.

Gail discovers the friendship one night after Linda comes over to ask Erik about something Dexter ate in the boys quest to find a natural cure for his disease. She is furious and warns Linda to keep Dexter away, but Linda, who resents her, refuses to listen and encourages the friendship. When the boys read an article in a tabloid about a doctor in distant New Orleans who claims to have found a cure for AIDS, they set out on their own down the Mississippi River in the hope of finding a means of saving Dexters life.Initially, the boys start taking a boat down the river with a bunch of degenerates, but eventually steal their money as they were never treated well by the group and try to hitchhike the rest of the way. When the boatmen find that their money has been stolen, they locate the kids at a bus station and proceed to chase them until they reach a dead end in a dilapidated building. Erik draws a switchblade, causing one of the men to draw a knife as well. Dexter suddenly grabs the knife from the boatman, and cuts his hand to cause himself to bleed. He threatens the boatman with his blood, saying that he has AIDS and could easily transfer the disease to him the boatman has open wounds on his arm as a result of an injury received when chasing the boys. Dexter then chases the boatmen off, threatening them with his bleeding hand. Once the two men are gone, Dexter realizes what he has done in directly exposing his blood to the outside environment. He suddenly feels sick, so Erik helps to escort him back to the bus station. Realizing that their journey must end if Dexter is to be treated, Erik resorts to calling Linda to have her pick the boys up when they arrive on the bus in Stillwater. ........

Source: Wikipedia