The Death of Richie is a madeforTV movie drama which premiered on the NBC television network on January 10, 1977. It is based on Richie, a nonfiction book by Thomas Thompson about the 1972 death of George Richard Richie Diener, Jr. at the hands of his father, who was ultimately not charged with the shooting death of his son.
The story then cuts from the cemetery and to a car swerving erratically on a street, focusing on a young man, 17yearold Richie Werner Robby Benson, who is doing drugs in the car with his three friends. The driver, Brick, is then pulled over for his erratic driving. The police officer tells Brick he is willing to let him off the hook as a favor...and that he expects favors in return for those he does favors for. Brick agrees.This is the beginning of a series of episodes that bring Richie into conflict with his father, George Ben Gazzara, a stern man who loves his son, but has trouble expressing his feelings. Eileen Brennan plays Richies loving but ineffectual mother Carol, and Lance Kerwin plays his younger brother Russell, whom Richie, despite his demons, is very protective of. ........
Source: Wikipedia