The Flight of Dragons is a 1982 animated film produced by Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin, Jr. and loosely combining the speculative natural history book of the same name 1979 by Peter Dickinson with the novel The Dragon and the George 1976 by Gordon R. Dickson. The film centers upon a quest undertaken to stop an evil wizard who plans to rule the world by dark magic. A major theme within the story is the question of whether science and magic can coexist. This is told mostly through the experience of character Peter Dickinson, drawn from the 20th century into the magical realm.
The Green Wizard Carolinus Harry Morgan discovers magic failing as humanity embraces science, and summons his brothers Lo Tae Zhao the Yellow Wizard Don Messick Solarius the Blue Wizard James Earl Jones and Ommadon the Red Wizard also voiced by James Earl Jones, accompanied by their dragons Shen Tsu, Lunarian, and Bryagh James Gregory, before whom he resolves to create a Last Realm of Magic hidden from the rest of the world. Lo Tae Zhao and Solarius consent, but Ommadon instead proposes to take control of the world himself whereupon the other wizards decide to seize Ommadons crown, the source of his powers. Because the wizards are forbidden to fight among themselves, they volunteer Carolinuss dragon Gorbash Bob McFadden when not RitterasPeter and the knight Sir Orrin NevilleSmythe Bob McFadden, to do so, with Solarius giving a shield to deflect dark magic and Lo Tae Zhao giving a flute to lull dragons to sleep. Requiring a third protagonist, Carolinus summons Peter Dickinson John Ritter, a boardgame creator and polymath scientist. Having arrived in the magical world, Peter becomes enamored of Princess Milisande Alexandra Stoddart, Carolinuss ward.Ommadon, learning the others plan, sends his dragon Bryagh to capture Peter whereupon Carolinus casts a spell to save him, which mistakenly combines Peters mind with the body of Gorbash. Knowing nothing about being a dragon or about magic, Peter is mentored by an older dragon named Smrgol James Gregory. During their journey they are joined by the wolf Aragh Victor Buono, a woodland elf named Giles, and the archer Danielle of the Woodlands Nellie Bellflower. The dichotomy of magic and science appears when Smrgol teaches Peter in magical terms, whilst Peter explains them with principles of science and in later approaches of each character to similar subjects. In Carolinuss home Princess Milisande falls into a trance and views the protagonists magically from afar. At an inn near Ommadons realm, an Ogre captures Sir Orrin and
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