The Flock is a 2007 American thriller film directed by Andrew Lau, the codirector of the Infernal Affairs trilogy. The film, which marks his first Englishlanguage film, stars Richard Gere and Claire Danes.
He is three weeks away from taking early retirement and his final job is to train his young female replacement Allison Lowry Claire Danes. After being left a newspaper with his characteristic headline circling, he is convinced the case of kidnapping is connected to a paroled sex offender hes monitoring and he takes it upon himself to find the victim at all costs.Errol is eventually forced to leave the department early due to his relentless interrogation of sexual offenders and occasional vigilante actions against them. His efforts center on Viola KaDee Strickland, a woman who has a history of being abused but is known to have a connection to another culprit that Errol suspects to have taken the girl. Together with his partner they figure out that Viola has become an abuser herself and is the ringleader in a kidnapping and torture syndicate. They track her down to a deserted scrap heap where they find the latest kidnapped girl as well as corpses of previous victims. The movie ends with Viola being brought to book after Errol considers killing her. Errol and Allison realize that in fighting the monsters involved in sexual offenses, they must not become monsters themselves. ........
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