The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is a 1992 American psychological thriller film directed by Curtis Hanson, and stars Annabella Sciorra and Rebecca De Mornay. The tale follows a vengeful, psychopathic nanny out to destroy a naive woman and steal her family. The original music score was composed by Graeme Revell.
Claire eventually gives birth to a boy named Joey, and, looking for a nanny, hires Mrs. Mott, who tricks her by using the alias Peyton Flanders. Mrs. Mott wages a campaign to undermine Claire. She begins breastfeeding Joey in secret which causes him to no longer take Claires milk and encourages her daughter Emma to keep secrets from her mother and tries to turn her against Claire. She also secretly destroys Michaels office proposal. Knowing that Claires close friend Marlene had been Michaels exgirlfriend before he married Claire, Mrs. Mott also suggests to Michael that he arrange a surprise party for Claire, leading Marlene and Michael to meet in secret. Claire accuses Michael of having an affair with Marlene, only to find the partygoers waiting in the next room.Solomon, an intellectually disabled handyman who has been assisting the Bartels, discovers Mrs. Mott breastfeeding Joey. Mrs. Mott then plants a pair of Emmas panties in Solomons toolbox, leading Claire to fire him. Emma tells Claire that Solomon never did anything to her, but Claire refuses to believe Emma, causing her to turn against her mother as Mrs. Mott had planned. Unknown to the family, except for Emma, Solomon begins to keep a watchful eye over them. ........
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