The Hangover (film series)

The Hangover is a series of three American comedy films written and directed by Todd Phillips, and starring Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha and Ken Jeong. All three films chronicle the misadventures of a quartet of friends, known as the Wolfpack. While all of the films depict three of the four men on a mission to find their missing friend, the first two installments focus on the events following a night of debauchery before a wedding in Las Vegas and Bangkok, respectively. The third and final film, however, depicts a road trip and a kidnapping in lieu of a bachelor party.

The Hangover tells the story of Phil Wenneck, Stu Price and Alan Garner, who travel to Las Vegas for a bachelor party to celebrate the impending marriage of their friend, Doug Billings. However, Phil, Stu, and Alan have no memory of the previous nights events and must find Doug before the wedding can take place.Screenwriters Jon Lucas and Scott Moore wrote the script after hearing how a friend of executive producer Chris Bender went missing following his bachelor party in Las Vegas. After Lucas and Moore sold it to Warner Bros. formillion, director Todd Phillips and Jeremy Garelick rewrote the script to include a tiger as well as a subplot involving a baby and a police cruiser, and also including boxer Mike Tyson. Filming took place in Nevada fordays. ........

Source: Wikipedia