The Insomniac is a 2013 American whodunit psychological thriller written by Eddy Salazar and Peter Kenneth Jones, and directed by Monty Miranda. The feature film stars Salazar in the title role, Clare Grant, Keith Szarabajka, John Heard, and Danny Trejo. The Insomniac centers around John Figg Salazar, a financial adviser who develops a severe case of selfinduced insomnia after the house he recently inherited from his deceased father gets brutally ransacked and robbed. While the movies most noticeable source of inspiration came from Alfred Hitchcocks Rear Window, there are a number of references to other past insomniathemed movies, such as The Machinist, and Insomnia. A strong recurring theme throughout the film is the attachment one gets for material possessions.
Two days after moving in, however, his dads classic car is stolen. The day after that, after a successful meeting with his biggest client, Jairo Torres Trejo, he goes home to find his house completely ransacked and robbed, his dog missing, and his fathers ashes scattered on the ground. Convinced a robbery will happen again, John chooses to stay awake until he catches the culprit responsible for the break in. As days go by without sleep, Johns angst develops into paranoia, his paranoia develops into obsession, and his obsession into madness.After thirteen full days without any sleep, John is pushed to the edge. Disregarding the help from his friends and loved ones, John goes to any length even murder to figure out who committed the heinous crime. ........
Source: Wikipedia